Here you can see my Original Funky Mailing Co. design work. In one example I designed an order form and a brochure. A good challenge project was a free-standing display unit (FSDU) and counter unit. Hired by Swifty Studios, I worked on projects for their client. I rolled out the vibrant branding to each project. In the catalogue I used bright assets in a vibrant way, spreads showcase each mailing bag design alongside useful information.
Shown are the display mock-up visuals before creating the flat artwork. The main challenges included matching the pattern across surfaces on the flat net. This was due to several overlapping separate pieces. They needed work to be eye-catching yet not overwhelming which was a balance. For example this applied to a branded tall unit and a counter-top unit. I also designed branded units for The Snowman of the same sizes during the festive period. The client really wanted these pieces to have a unique look and feel. My display designs were destined for a Staples store to show off their unique mailing envelopes. I was happy to support Swifty Studios’ client to develop in new areas of promotion.
See more of my large format and physical pieces for Hobgoblin.